ulong ll_parent_hwnd
ulong ll_sys_menu_hwnd
ulong ll_sys_menu_close_flags
ulong ll_ret
n_cst_numerical u_num
ll_parent_hwnd = Handle(this.parentwindow())
ll_sys_menu_hwnd = GetSystemMenu(ll_parent_hwnd, FALSE)
ll_sys_menu_close_flags = GetMenuState(ll_sys_menu_hwnd, SC_CLOSE, MF_BYCOMMAND )
ll_ret = u_num.of_bitwiseand(ll_sys_menu_close_flags , MF_DISABLED)
ib_close_prev_enabled = (ll_ret = 0)
If ib_close_prev_enabled Then
EnableMenuItem (ll_sys_menu_hwnd, SC_CLOSE, MF_BYCOMMAND + MF_DISABLED + MF_GRAYED)
End If
And to enable it later:
If ib_close_prev_enabled Then
EnableMenuItem (GetSystemMenu(handle(parentwindow()), FALSE), SC_CLOSE, MF_BYCOMMAND + MF_ENABLED)
End If
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